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1 Translation result for third-rate in Spanish


third-rate adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
de baja calidad, de tercera

third noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
tercero, -ra (en una serie); tercera parte

Example sentences of
third noun

  • The win was his third of the year.
  • a third of the pie
  • Rent costs two-thirds of my paycheck.
  • She divided the cookie into thirds.

rate noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
velocidad, ritmo; índice, tasa; precio, tarifa

Example sentences of
rate noun

  • The cold weather meant a slower growing rate for many crops.
  • At the rate we're moving, it will be morning before we arrive.
  • People work at different rates.
  • Gun violence is increasing at an alarming rate.
  • Snow was falling at a rate of three inches per hour.
  • There has been a fall in the rate of inflation.
  • Crime rates have declined in recent years.
  • What's the interest rate on the loan?
  • Regular admission to the theater is $12, the student rate is $8, and the rate for senior citizens is $6.
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